Wednesday 23 October 2013

Queenstown part 1: Downhill mountainbiking

On Saturday I jumped in my car for a magnificient 477 km drive through New Zealand's magnificient landscape to Queenstown: a small village on the map but also a big adventure resort in the south. I had heard interesting stories about the ability to do extreme sports over there, so I had to try out myself!

First, the downhill thing. In Christchurch you have to cycle the mountain all way up yourself to go downhill. Not needed in Queenstown: we have a gondola here!

I grabbed a more appropiate bike and downhilled the fastest and smoothest track, then another time, and another, each time going faster and faster. The entire way down is about 15 minutes. There are also some optional obstacles like very narrow/elevated tracks. Not all of them went very smooth... well, see the video compilation then ;)

It was a shame to wreck a $4500-priced bike in this way. Luckily it was just the front brake handle, and I could continue (slowly) with the remaining brake. After paying $55 at the bike rental shop, I immediately got a brand new bike to follow my way. Great service!

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